Become a Member
There are several ways to support Residents for Responders. Below are the different levels for you to consider.
Residents who participate in the Chief’s Membership program will commit to an annual gift of $1,000.
Chief's Members will receive two (2) window decals as well as a yard sign to show support of RFR.
Additionally, Chief's Members receive two of the following:
- Coffee with a Cop/s*^
- Ride-along with an SVPD officer*^
- Tour of the SVPD facilities*^
- Defensive tactics safety class from an SVPD officer**^
* must be scheduled in advance and will be coordinated by RFR
** must be scheduled in advance and will be held with other residents and will be coordinated by RFR
^ (SVPD is not being paid for these services and can be requested directly through SVPD without being a Chief's Member)
Residents who participate in the Gold Shield Membership program will commit to an annual gift of $500.
Gold Shield Members will receive two (2) window decals as well as a yard sign to show support of RFR.
Residents who participate in the Silver Shield Membership program will commit to an annual gift of $125.
Silver Shield Members will receive two (2) window decals to show their support of RFR.
You can also make smaller donations by going to the Donate tab above